There are two steps for Debonding; the first step is Bracket Reoval, the second step: Polishing after bracket remova.

For Bracket Removal we offer the following options:

1) Special 18 fluted carbides made for debonding: 118S, 118L & 218

2) Excellent Ortho debounding carbides 12 fluted made in Canada, we offer pak of 5 and also pack of 100

3) 12 fluted carbides with TWIST that made in USA with pack of 5

4) Special bracket adhesive removal burs (combo of stone and polishers) made in Germany. Gentle abrasive grit with no damage to natural tooth structure. 

5) White and Green stones made by Jota Swiss

For Polishing we offer the following options:

1) Powful Diamond Polishers made in Germany.  Small adjustments up to high gloss, High concentration efficiency, Excellent wear- and tear-characteristics

2) Thousandfold proven polishers - known as Brownies, Greenies. Made in Germany by Silicon carbide and Wear-resistant bonding material. polish the enamel without damage.

Pack of 5: $19 Pack of 100: $295
Pack of 5: $19 Pack of 100: $295
Pack of 5: $19 Pack of 100: $295
Pack of 5: $19 Pack of 100: $295
Pack of 5: $19 Pack of 100: $295
Pack of 5: $19 Pack of 100: $295